vendredi 4 février 2011

Où es-tu Brian Boru ?

Une lectrice du Brésil, amoureuse passionnée de l'Irlande, a tenu à adresser, aujourd'hui, une lettre aux lecteurs du journal The Irish Times.

Son message est simple :   Mais où est donc passé Brian Boru ?

"The spirit of Brian Boru.

Madam, – I lived and worked in Ireland until recently. Imagine my feelings when I heard that the country I loved so much is now in such dire straits. A country once full of joy and energy has become a country full of expensive unused toys, evil spirits and negatives.

Bickering and self-serving politicians serve your country’s reputation very ill indeed. Where are the spirits of Brian Boru, the Great O’Neill and Daniel O’Connell? Of the Táin, the Celts, Lady Gregory, Wolf Tone, or the spiritual writings of Samuel Beckett, and WB Yeats? – Yours, etc,"

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